
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Panther Kickoff

A few weeks after school started was the Panther Kickoff. Basically this is an event where the sport teames get introduced. Together wit my hostmum I went there. It was something completely new for us both, because here High School didn´t had a Kickoff. At first the dancing group performed to the music of the marching band. It was really impressing, the danicing team of my high school is extremely good. After the Marching Band and the Dancers finished there performance, the sport teams got introduced. Actually they just run from one end of the football field to the other end, while someone calls out the names of the team captians. I know it sounds kind of boring, but I liked it. It was the first time ever that I felt the "American School Spirit". Most important: I had a lot of fun.

My first week of school

My fist week of school is over and I surived 😂 Last Friday (August 17) I had my first day of school. Before I started I met my Counselor and chose my classes. After that a nice girl showed me the school and helped me to get a student ID. My school really wants to guarantee our safety, that´s why everybody at school (also teachers and anyone else) need to wear his ID. Unfortunaly I came too late to my first lesson, Biology AP. That´s why my hostparents got a call after school, that I came too late to my first lesson and so I had to bring an note on monday. My second period used to be P.E., but I directly changed it to theatre after my first day.  After theatre I have Us History, what I do beacause my exchange organisation and my school want me to. It´s kind of boring because I also need to do US Government (which by the way is a senior class) and we are talking about the exact same things. Principles of health science is my last period before lunch. It´s really interesting and we´re l