My first week of school

My fist week of school is over and I surived 😂
Last Friday (August 17) I had my first day of school. Before I started I met my Counselor and chose my classes. After that a nice girl showed me the school and helped me to get a student ID. My school really wants to guarantee our safety, that´s why everybody at school (also teachers and anyone else) need to wear his ID. Unfortunaly I came too late to my first lesson, Biology AP. That´s why my hostparents got a call after school, that I came too late to my first lesson and so I had to bring an note on monday. My second period used to be P.E., but I directly changed it to theatre after my first day.  After theatre I have Us History, what I do beacause my exchange organisation and my school want me to. It´s kind of boring because I also need to do US Government (which by the way is a senior class) and we are talking about the exact same things. Principles of health science is my last period before lunch. It´s really interesting and we´re learning a lot about health care. Between Government and PHS I have Advisory. So far I couldn´t figure out what we have it for. The most of the time the teacher talks about school rules, so the most of the time I´m talking with friends.
My school, the Ridge Point High School is a very big school with 2700 students. That´s the reason, why we have three different lunch times. I have C Lunch, the latest lunch, what I think is pretty cool, because it is the smallest lunch.
After lunch I have English, so far we only talked about the summer reading, but we´re going on this week. My last period is Algebra 2 and I´m really surprised, because I really like it. In Germany Math is definitely not my favo
rite subject, but here I really like it and I´m not as bad as I thought.
I´m excited how school will be for the rest of the year and I hope to make good experience.
